Friday, July 29, 2011

My Hair Was Falling Out

As some of you know, I suffer from bipolar disorder. I recently had to go off one of my meds and go on a new one. My hair was falling out. I would run my fingers through my hair and it would come out at the roots in chunks. If I didn’t have my daddy’s thick, Mexican hair, I’d be a bald lady.

It’s been a trial. I’ve been depressed because of the med switch and some things going on in my personal life. My hair is no longer falling out but my new med is an appetite encourager. It makes me want to eat all the wrong things. People have gotten diabetes off of this drug because of the eating. Dangerous, I know.

So I’ve been eating and gaining back weight. I’m not happy about this, I’m sure you can imagine. As a result, I’ve decided to adapt. In my situation, Atkins is too strict for me. Depriving myself of foods I want to eat isn’t working. I have several friends who have recently lost a massive amount of weight from doing Atkins and they look fantastic. I'm happy for them. I believe in the diet, it's just not for me at this time.

So I’m going to go the French/Mediterranean way of eating route. It’s still a full fat diet, but it’s much more inclusive. The emphasis is more on smaller portions and real food. One thing I don’t like about Atkins is the focus on processed, fake foods make by the Atkins company.

I’ll be blogging more about this style of eating as I go along but I will say now that I love the emphasis on fresh foods; lots of nuts, cheeses, veggies, fruits, chicken, (oxford comma ftw) and fish. It’s a similar approach but much more wholesome.

I hope you stick with me on my journey to health. I appreciate all of your support and I'll be blogging soon.

Much love and hugs,