Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some News

I know I've been quiet for a while. Some of you have been cheering me on and have wondered about my progress. I have to admitt, I've been off the wagon,so to speak, for a while now. I have this thing about self-discipline. I don't really have much to speak of. Not to say that I've been eating horribly. I have at times, just not all the time. It's hard. Weightloss is hard. You know what else is hard? Diabetes. It runs in my family. My mom has it, my grandpa had it. All kinds of family members have had it. It's something I've always wanted to avoid. You know what though? I'm not that lucky. Today, I found out I have it. Not because of my eating or lifestyle. It's because of a medication I take for the bipolar. They told me it was a risk. A small risk but a risk nonetheless. Maybe I fell into the folly of youth (I mean I'm not THAT old) and thought I was invincible. Now I have it and I'm devastated. I know I'll be ok. It could be worse, so much worse. Steve and a very good friend have been super supportive today. I was at this friend's house when I got the news. I just need this time to come to terms with what's wrong with me and how I'm going to deal with it all. I'm going to cut this short before I start rambling on and on. Thanks for reading. Any prayers sent my way would be greatly appreciated. Love, with all my heart, Amy