Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today Was 'A" Day

A is for Atkins. That's good enough for me! LOL (who gets the reference?)

So today was A day. I've officially started Atkins. I stuck with the diet and it was easier than I thought it would be. Especially since my job decided to show their appreciation of the workers by offering soda (I've officially given up soda), chips, rice crispy treats, chocolate donuts, cake and cinnamon rolls. Yeah. Exactly. However I stuck to my guns and only ate what I brought. Good thing it was tasty and satsifying because I could have jumped into the box of rice crispy treats.

I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 236.6 lbs. This is hard for me to say to all of you. That's two of my friend Heather. Literally. I don't want to be this way anymore. I think I've finally reached the point where I'm just FED UP! I was told by a very nice person today that I have gorgeous eyes, a pretty face and beautiful bone structure. I don't know how he knew (he wasn't flirting. he was trying to get me to let him dye my hair red. He works in the JCP salon) How could he know? You can't SEE my bone structure.

This comes off as self hate, doesn't it? I don't hate myself. I'm actually very comfortable in who I am as a person. I just see the things that are wrong and I know that I need to change. What kind of example am I setting for my girls? I don't want this for them. It's like the child of an alcoholic picking up that beer and starting on that path to alcoholism. Except sub Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream for the beer.

Any who, today was a good day. With the exception of one disgruntled client at work (disgruntled is an understatement), work went smoothly. I had fun. I really like the people I work with. I'm not just saying that because I know some of them may be reading this. They're a good group of women.

I'm loving a website I found called low carb friends. It has recipes and a message board where I've found some fantastic support from people who are in the same boat as me or who have been there. This is going to be key to me staying the course. As I've been told, this isn't going to be easy but it's going to be worth it.

I hope this finds you, my dear friends, well. What are some of your goals for 2012?

Love and kisses to you all,

Friday, January 6, 2012

Here We Go... Again

I know I'm not the most consistent blogger. I read a lot of blogs, and it isn't as if I don't have anything to say. If you know me in real life then you know I'm a chatterbox. Unless of course you work with me. Then you must be wondering, what chatterbox? Amy is a quiet gal and doesn't have much to say. But that's another topic. :)

I know I said that I was starting Atkins back up a couple of months ago but my DH (darling husband) pointed out I wanted to start a week before Thanksgiving. After thinking about it, we both agreed to wait until the new year. Trying to start (ok, restart) a major life change like this right before the holidays wasn't my best idea.

So I've been spending the past few days really researching the low carb life style. I've utitlized the Atkins website which is free and full of tips and support. I also found another website for low carbers that offers forums where I've found tons of support as well. Steve and I will be starting this on the 10th because I really wanted to understand what I'm doing. Especially since I learned that the Atkins way of life has been updated and a new book came out.

I was able to get my hands on the new book (new atkins for a new you). Very interesting. Tons of new science to back up the diet and things have been tweaked to accomodate new studies that have been done. Something that is emphasized is that Atkins is not a high protein diet. It's a high veggie, moderate protein diet. You do eat a lot of yummy protein but the focus is the veggies. Which I love veggies so that makes me happy. :)

I have some goals for 2012. As my bff Nicky has said in the past,"No more b.s. excuses" I'm done making them. I have to own myself and what I do.

Pray for me. Cheer me on. The moral support really does help.

Love to you all!
