Friday, December 2, 2011

How It Goes

Hello, happy readers. The holidays are upon us. That means Christmas is almost here. That just asks for a big giant SQUEEE! LOL

Christmas defintely brings out my inner child. The shopping, the music, the decorated tree, the lights, and the presents. Not getting presents but giving presents. I love to give people presents. Which makes being broke during the holidays that much more difficult. If I had my way, I would have a big Christmas bash with lots of food, gifts and people that I love.

I just love the spirit of the holiday. People are different. I don't mean the pepper spraying black Friday shoppers variety. I mean people are more joyful and giving. People use this time of year to give back. Whether it's donating money or clothes to charity or volunteering at their local soup kitchen. They're much more pleasant all around.

You hear the saying, Tis the season. For giving, for sharing, for loving one another. But if you think about it, shouldn't we have the holiday attitude year round? Thanksgiving is for being grateful and Christmas is a day of giving.

So why is it we only emphasize this attitude of thankfulness and giving at the end of the year? Shouldn't we count God's many blessing year round? Shouldn't we give of ourselves and be joyful January through December?

In other news, I start my first real job since I don't know when tomorrow. Suffice to say I was floored when I was offered the job. Truth be told, I thought I was tanking it. I haven't been in a job interview for years. It's a seasonal position at Sephora. I'm hoping that they keep me on after the New Year but I'm just thankful for that I was able to get anything.

I hope all is well with you, my readers. I promise that I'll be posting more regularly.

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all,
