Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Monday

Monday's are usually such a blah day, don't you think? I'll be the first to agree that Mondays, Monday mornings to be exact, aren't the best time of the week. Really, who wants to roll out of bed? Then again, I've never been much of a morning person to begin with.  haha

I'm actually excited and happy this Monday morning. After such a wet and gloomy weekend, the sun is out and not a cloud to be seen! I can get some work done in the yard and Bear Bear and I can go for a walk.

That's not why I'm excited, though. (Although sunshine is always a reason to be happy.) Today is the big day. Operation Health and Fitness is now in full swing. (I totally just made that name up.) I'm feeling pretty confidant about all of this. Of course it isn't going to be easy. I didn't gain a whole bunch of weight over night so I'm not going lose it in a day. I relish the challenge, though. This is an opportunity to make a turnaround. Mind, body, and spirit. Sounds like a cliche, doesn't it? Yeah, I'm a walking cliche. Not really, but cliche's do exist for a reason.

Steve and I will be doing our weekly weigh in and measurements today which will be posted here. We'll be taking our before pics and keep an eye out for a video as well.

I am off to make breakfast. Can't go wrong with eggs and bacon. I LOVE lowcarbing it.

If you haven't already seen this, take a gander. It explains some of what I'm doing.

Have a great and fruitful Monday,

The Indomitable Amy

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you both.I will definitely be watching with pom poms in my hands. You can do this!
