Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Roll With It

Going on a diet isn't just eating different and exercising, it's a life style change. Emphasis on 'life.' Change is hard. We Americans don't take kindly to change. We like things the they are and don't see the need to mix things up. Maybe it's our Puritan heritage.

Life comes at you, though. You make plans, things change, so you have to learn to adapt. You can't let it get you down. Sometimes, you may need to lick your wounds for a bit. We're not souless robots. (Well, YOU are.) However, if you really want something, don't be discouraged. Things happen. It doesn't mean it's the end.

Me? I was supposed to start my exercise regimen yesterday. Due to circumstances, it didn't happen. No biggie. I'm rolling with it. Today is another day that I'm blessed to be here and it's just as good a day to exercise as yesterday.

For those of you who exercise everyday (you know who you are) this may not seem like a big deal for you. When you have spent your life one way for soooo long, it can be extremely difficult to do a 180. Going from a sedantary life, eating whatever you like to one of purposeful activity and dietary disipline is no small thing.

I know I can do this. I look at what my life is now. I look at what I want it to be. I can't keep doing what I've spent the past 10 years doing.

Bah! It isn't easy. However, it isn't going to get me down. Life, that it. My mom always told me that I can do whatever I set my mind to. It's something I tell my girls. I not only can do this, I will.

So I'm rolling with it. Actually, rolling is pretty easy right now since I'm so round. Yeah, that was a fat joke. Feel free to laugh.


1 comment:

  1. I recommend not putting pressure on yourself to exercise, because that causes stress which leads to weight gain. lol As females it seems just walking by a bakery and thinking of eating a pastry adds 2 pounds! Walk. It is the best way to get back into exercise. You do not have to go far and they say to walk at a normal pace because it helps release trapped fat better than if you speed walk. Increase your fiber to help flush trapped fat and make sure you are getting 8 cups of water to get rid of water weight and any bloated feelings. Take one day a week and indulge. Just indulge within a serving size. One lady said when she walks by Cinnabon, she gets the cinnabon, but asks them to cut it into fours. Then she eats only one piece. If you cannot handle the food being there, throw away the other 3 pieces. Since you have 3 girls you can just share it! :D I think that should be the life change. Gillian from the biggest loser is the one who said eat what you want one day a week, just within the serving limit. Have a piece of pizza, a donut or some french fries. One day of eating that kind of food will not ruin your diet. The problem most of us have is we live off that kind of food, so eventually yes it affects us. So kick off exercising with walking. Take the dog and the kids and walk around your neighborhood. Go exploring. A nightime walk is always nice! You have to start somewhere and sometimes getting out of the house and enjoying your time with the kids and the dog is a way to just get yourself moving again! I would say Good Luck but my English Professor has me being wary of saying that so I will say, you can do this!!
